TAXREF-LD: Linked Data French Taxonomic Register
TAXREF-LD is the Linked Data representation of TAXREF (https://inpn.mnhn.fr/programme/referentiel-taxonomique-taxref?lg=en), the French national taxonomical register for fauna,... -
Persée in RDF
data.persee.fr is a triplestore opened in 2017. It gathers all the metadata produced by Persée and makes it available in a structured way (RDF graph) according to the semantic... -
Extracts of wiktionary data for several languages, structured as an RDF graph, based mainly on the LEMON model. Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek,... -
ThIST is the Italian Thesaurus of Sciences of the Earth, which has been exposed as Linked Data in the context of LusTRE, a framework currently under development within the EU... -
The Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) has been compiled and is maintained by the CNR-IIA-EKOLab to facilitate the indexing, retrieval, harmonizing and... -
LODsyndesis Dataset
This dataset contains the results of measurements that were performed for several Linked Open Datasets on 25/04/2018. We collected 400 RDF datasets and we measured the number of... -
Czech National Open Data Catalog in DCAT-AP v1.2
The catalog can be browsed at https://data.gov.cz -
Test Site, LOD Lab 317
Sample linked data converted from Union Catalog of Digital Archives Taiwan. -
A social network of active Lotico Semantic Web community members, provided as RDF via resolvable URIs and a SPARQL endpoint. -
Data exposed: a large life sciences data set about proteins and their function. -
UniProt UniRef
The UniRef databases provide clustered sets of sequences from UniProt Knowledgebase (including splice variants and isoforms) and selected UniParc records, in order to obtain... -
British National Bibliography (BNB) - Linked Open Data
British National Bibliography (BNB) published as Linked Data by the British Library, linked to external sources including: VIAF, ISNI, LCSH, Lexvo, GeoNames, MARC country, and... -
The CIARD RING is a global directory of datasets and data services for the agri-food sector. It is the principal tool created through the CIARD initiative to allow information... -
National Library of Greece Authority Records
This is the National Library of Greece Authority Records Dataset in Linked Data form. -
A Queryable Dump of the LOD Cloud LOD-a-lot democratizes the access to the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud by serving more than 28 billion unique triples from 650K datasets over a... -
data.bnf.fr - Bibliothèque nationale de France
data.bnf.fr gathers data from the different databases of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, so as to create Web pages about Works, Authors, Subjects and Places together with... -
Syntactic and semantic framework of Croatian language -
LinkedDrugs: Linked Drug Product Data on a Global Scale
The LinkedDrugs dataset with drug product data from different countries. The current version of the dataset (version 2.1) holds data from twenty-three countries: Austria,... -
Amsterdam Museum as Linked Open Data in the Europeana Data Model
The Amsterdam Museum dataset describes more than 70.000 cultural heritage objects related to the city of Amsterdam described by the museum. The metadata was retrieved from an... -
data-hnm-hu - Hungarian National Museum Datasets
Open linked data from the Hungarian National Museum. The following datasets and subsets are available: Collections (dataset, short name: colls) Bibliographic Data of the... -
A linked open data repository of Canadian Masters and PhD-level theses created by the Canadian Linked Data Initiative. - Une base de données liées de thèses de Maîtrise et... -
This dataset includes harmonized data of different kinds concerning the Second World War in Finland, separated in different graphs representing events, actors, places,... -
Czech Business Entity identification numbers and names
File with all Czech business entity names and their identification numbers -
B3Kat - Library Union Catalogues of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg
Joint Union Catalogue of 200 academic libraries in the german states of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg. The data contains descriptions of 26Mio. titles and 60Mio. holdings... -
Towards Knowledge Graph Creation from Thousands of Wikis