34 conjuntos de datos encontrados

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  • USPTO Patent data

    Linked Data version of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) data. Number of triples: 212,234,735. Number of resources: 3,215,768 Links to other datasets: DBpedia,...
  • DBpedia abstract corpus

    This corpus contains a conversion of Wikipedia abstracts in six languages (dutch, english, french, german, italian and spanish) into the I used the NLP Interchange Format (NIF)....
  • LODStats

    LODStats: The Data Web Census Dataset.
  • SemanticQuran

    The Semantic Quran dataset is a multilingual RDF representation of translations of the Quran. The dataset was created by integrating data from two different semi-structured...
  • GWPP Glossary

    The GWPP glossary is a set of scientific terms and their definitions that are used inside the Global Water Pathogen Project online book. This dataset is crowdsourced by a large...
  • Lidioms

    the LIDIOM dataset is a multilingual RDF representation of idioms containing five languages. The data set was crawled and integrated from various sources. For assuring the...
  • LinkLion - A Link Repository for the Web of Data

    LinkLion is an open-source central repository for the storage of links among resources in the Linked Open Data web. The main goal of LinkLion is to facilitate the publication,...
  • Linked TCGA

    Linked TCGA is the RDF version of the Cancer Genome Atlas, a pilot project started in 2005 by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research...
  • JRC-Names-MLODE

    From their web site: JRC-Names is a highly multilingual named entity resource for person and organisation names (called 'entities'). It consists of large lists of names and...
  • Caucasian Spiders

    The Caucasian Spiders Database aims at containing all records (published occurrences) of spiders (Araneae) in the Caucasus Ecoregion (the rayons Krasnodar and Stavropol in...
  • CORDIS corpus

    CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service), is the European Commission’s core public repository providing dissemination information for all EU-funded...

  • aksw.org Research Group dataset

    This dataset contains projects, sub groups, people and pages or the Agile Knowledge Management and Semantic Web (AKSW) Research Group @ University of Leipzig.
  • KORE 50 NIF NER Corpus

    KORE 50[1] (AIDA) is a subset of the larger AIDA corpus, which is based on the dataset of the CoNLL 2003 NER task. The dataset aims to capture hard to disambiguate mentions of...

    ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. This dataset contains RDF conversion...
  • Statbel Corpus

    This corpus contains RDF conversion of datasets from the "Statistics Belgium" (also known as Statbel) which aims at collecting, processing and disseminating relevant, reliable...
  • Global airports in RDF

    This corpus contains RDF conversion of Global airports dataset which was retrieved from openflights.org. The dataset contains information about airport names, its location,...
  • Lion's Den

    Lion's Den is a RDF repository of link specifications. Lion's Den is intended to be an open community-driven dataset that allows data publishers to also publish their...
  • LSQ

    Linked SQ: a Linked Dataset describing SPARQL queries extracted from the logs of a variety of prominent public SPARQL endpoints. We argue that this dataset has a variety of uses...
  • Brown Corpus in RDF/NIF

    RDF version of the Brown Corpus (W. N. Francis, H. Kucera; Brown University; 1979). 1,014,312 words in 500 documents, taken from newspapers texts on diverse topics, non-fiction...