Debian Package Tracking System
Data on all Debian packages is available as RDF via content negotiation from the Debian QA website. This uses the ADMS.SW standard. More background in this blog post. -
CTIC Public Dataset Catalogs
Overview of worldwide data catalogues. -
Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network
This dataset has no description
Web Science Conference (RKBExplorer)
This is one of several semantic repositories that contains and publishes RDF linked data and co-reference information, forming the underlying distributed storage model behind... -
ePrints Harvest (RKBExplorer)
The data here comes from harvesting ePrints Open Archives, as listed at http://roar.eprints.org. There is a list of the 190 repositories we have managed to harvest. We can't... -
NERC Vocabulary Server 2.0
The NERC Vocabulary Server provides access to lists of standardised terms that cover a broad spectrum of disciplines of relevance to the oceanographic and wider community. Using... -
This repository contains data from the UK's EPSRC Grants on the Web Data, but only up to 2003. Thus it contains data about many scientific researchers in the UK, and the... -
Diverse Italian ReSIST Partner Institutions (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from diverse Italian institutions. -
Environment Agency Bathing Water Quality
Bathing water quality assessment data for England and Wales from the Environment Agency. -
Open Data Communities - Lower layer Super Output Areas
This dataset describes the 'Lower layer Super Output Areas' used by the Office for National Statistics for many of its statistical outputs. Example resource:... -
Talis Aspire - Harper Adams University College
Course reading lists from Harper Adams University College. -
Talis Aspire - University College London
Course reading lists from University College London. -
Mathematics Subject Classification
The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) as a Linked Open Dataset using SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System. The Mathematics Subject Classi?cation (MSC) is a... -
Talis Aspire - Queen Mary, University of London
Course reading lists from Queen Mary, University of London. -
Talis Aspire - Nottingham Trent University
Course reading lists from Nottingham Trent University. -
Talis Aspire - Brunel University
Course reading lists from Brunel University. -
Dataset about geo-localized air quality monitoring stations in Basque Country. It also describes air quality observations from 2000 to 2013 (updated monthly). Data is available... -
Talis Aspire - University of Central Lancashire
Course reading lists from the University of Central Lancashire. -
BibSonomy - A blue social bookmark and publication sharing system
Description From front page: BibSonomy is a system for sharing bookmarks and lists of literature. When discovering a bookmark or a publication on the web, you can store it on... -
Published subjects for languages in ISO 639
Published Subject Identifiers (URIs) for languages defined in ISO 639. This list is published by OASIS. It is available in HTML, RDF/XML, and XTM. The list was last updated in...